Special guest! This week Basem is joined by Stacey, a saucy brit with a turtle-obsession! They talk about their hopes, dreams, and irrational fear of tubed meats. April does her best to get herself into trouble, and Irma does her best to drown in man-fluid.
Also, be sure to check out Stacey and the Pop Culture Parlour at popcultureparlour.podbean.com and follow them on twitter @StaceysParlour.
Stacey's 24-hour live show will start at 9am UK time on Saturday, July 9th at mixlr.com/spcp-live. You can donate at justgiving.com/spcplive2, benefiting the Alzheimer's Society.
Season 2 Episode 12 - The Catwoman from Channel Six
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Cowabunga, dudes